Struggling with identity as a foreigner in China
I wanted for so many years, nothing more than to fit in – only to find out that embracing who I am was all I needed to do.
Moving to a new country is not always easy! Whether you find the concept exciting or terrifying, a new environment, culture, sometimes a different language and a whole new “way of doing things” – it can be a lot to take in. I have certainly faced many challenges on my adventures throughout China and Taiwan, but the thing that was always gnawing at the back of my mind was – where do I fit in here?
There has, of course, always been the obvious language barrier. Before I moved to Beijing I had a solid two years of Chinese classes under my belt, which gave me a great foundation. However I later found out, along with the many local accents, my “classroom Chinese” had an enormous gap to close. My first year in Beijing was by no means smooth sailing. Simple things like online purchasing and food delivery were always a challenge. I came to dread the phone call from my delivery man, with his local, thick “Dongbei” accented – as I struggled desperately to decode where my package was going to end up.
There were also the much more complicated situations that came along with being a public figure/musician and building a career. The music industry is difficult enough in the Western world, without having to read contracts and discuss collaborations in an unfamiliar language. As you can expect, I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but I tried to treat every opportunity as a learning experience.
China, due to its history and culture, has a very homogeneous society. It’s easy to forget that up until 40 or so years ago, China was essentially closed to most of the world. Because of this, many foreigners in China have a very different experience to those living in other westernised countries.
Ironically, as my Mandarin improved, this gap in culture and way of thinking became more and more transparent. I quickly grew to hate the word “foreigner” 外国人 in Chinese because it became my first and foremost identity to anyone I would meet. Instead of a simple “Nice to meet you”, I would face the growingly repetitive barrage of, “Wow, your Chinese is so good for a foreigner, where are you from?” (As a tall white guy, this was often followed by the assumption I was from the United States). There was also the classic, “Do you teach English?” Just walking down the street, you would often hear people whispering to their friend or a small, slightly less discreet child pointing you out to their mother. Don’t get me wrong, everyone is very friendly and often quite enthusiastic. But when you have been living somewhere for five years, in a place you consider as a second home, it slowly starts to drain you. What used to be often quite flattering curiosity begins to form an impenetrable barrier, where you feel you will always just be a foreigner and outsider, nothing more.
打個比方吧!每當結識新朋友時,他們的反應並不是 “你好哦!很高興認識你!”,而是“哇!你中文說的好好哦!你來自哪裡呀?”(由於我個子高,所以很多華人經常誤會我是來自美國的小哥哥。
For a long time I thought the best way was to alter my mindset to become and communicate more like the locals. I immersed myself in my environment to better understand the culture, even taking a few history classes with a local school teacher. I certainly learnt a lot, but it still didn’t change the way I felt.
It was after a rather traumatic fallout with a friend and unravelling of a business collaboration that I slowly started to realise my mistake and came closer to the answer I was searching for.
為了讓自己能像當地人一樣流利的使用中文交流,我決定沉浸在他們的世界裡,希望能更了解中國的文化。我甚至還請教當地的學校老師給我上了幾堂歷史課… 雖然我學會了很多,但仍然還是無法擺脫我這個外國人身份的“尷尬”。
In trying to become something that I’m not, it became confusing for others and often came across as disingenuous despite being from the best of intentions. I even had a previous business partner say to me, “I don’t know if I should treat you as a foreigner or as a Chinese person”, which I suppose is where the root of the problem lies.
The simple answer is be yourself and honestly speak your mind. I think we have a lot to learn from others and different cultures. As we better our own understanding and show respect to the place and people we are surrounded by, it builds these connections of compassion and understanding. But it is our own experiences and our own morals that make us who we are.
So the reality is I am a foreigner, and that is something I should be proud of. It means I have something that is different, something to share.
Heck, after all this time away from home, I’ll probably be considered a little foreign there too.